I am so lucky to be student teaching at Northern Burlington County Regional Middle School teaching 7th and 8th graders about the amazing world of Agriculture. I am also lucky to be under the guidance of Dr. McLean. I am looking forward to learning from her and having her guide me through this experience with her knowledge...and helping me out with all the technology (the Smart Board WILL be my friend by the end of student teaching!)
I would like to say that my first week went very smoothly and there were no hiccups but that would be a lie, I am pretty sure I experienced every kind of schedule that our school has...
-Monday we had off due to Martin Luther King Day
-Tuesday we had a half day because of the huge blizzard that we were getting (my 20 minute drive home took me 2 hours...that was fun!)
-Wednesday we had a Snow Day
-Thursday we had an extended homeroom schedule
-Friday we FINALLY had a "regular day"
Aside from the crazy schedule we had I was able to experience some really cool activities in the classroom. On Wednesday 7th grade looked at their seed germination experiments. I was able to help answer questions that the students had and I learned not to wear white on days when "dirt" is involved. I learned a lot and found out that you can actually grow plants in K-Cups!
Observations of Seed Germination
A student models their DNA double helix!
Today, Friday, was probably the coolest day so far. I got to witness DNA extraction from strawberries!!! I have never seen anything like this before and I thought it was really cool to see how the DNA clumps and see it physically be lifted out of the test tube! It was so wild! I was also able to teach two 8th grade sections about insects today. We started work on a small insect classification project, which I am very excited to continue and share out with the class on Monday...we are also going to be talking about edible insects (YUM!)
Students following the procedures for DNA Extraction
Check out the DNA rising to the top of the test tube!
The final results!
Quote of the week:
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
― William Arthur Ward