Friday, April 25, 2014

Getting Closer to Closing one Chapter and beginning another:

Over these past 15 weeks I feel that I grown so much. I walked into Northern Burlington County Regional Middle School feeling nervous and not sure what to expect from this experience. I had so many questions running through my mind, “are the students going to like me?” “How am I going to do this?” I had so many thoughts buzzing around my head. When I first started teaching I was nervous and I fumbled a lot with my lessons. As the days passed I became more comfortable and everything seemed to start coming a little more natural to me.
I began to shift the focus of my lessons onto wildlife and environmental sciences, something that I am so passionate about. I also made sure that incorporated “Place Based Education” in my lessons as well. I felt like I took my students on a journey about what was around us, here, in New Jersey. We talked about native and invasive species, reptiles, mammals, birds, insects, and so much more. As we talked about our “place” our New Jersey, I realized just how much I knew and could tell my students. Talking about wildlife and the environment came so naturally to me. It was really amazing to know the feeling of being able to answer a challenging question that a student had.
I also had my struggles with my student teaching experience as well. In the beginning I would only teach to one side of the room. It was the weirdest thing and I have no idea why I would do it. It took a lot for me to work on that skill and I was finally able to correct it. Classroom management was also an area that I know I personally struggled with; I struggled constantly with the question “is that something I should correct?” I was so thankful that Dr. McLean helped me work on that skill as well. I know that I still need some work on it but I know it will come with time. I worked hard on my lesson plans to make sure that they were the best they could be. Sometimes my lessons could have been better and if I had the chance to do them over again I would change some things to make it more concise and there were lessons where I could have added more interactive pieces.  Lastly one thing that I know I need to continue working on is making that meaningful connection to real life for my students. I could tell that I hit the nail on the head with some lessons and not so much with others. I also think that the more I “practice” the more this will come naturally and the more I teach the easier this will become for me to incorporate as well.
The top 10 things I will take away from this experience and some advice to future student teachers:
1.       Lecture, although easiest, may not be your best friend…especially with middle schoolers.
2.      Be prepared for whatever students say, sometimes they will say the weirdest things and sometimes you just have to go with it (unless it inappropriate!)
3.      Students really enjoy youtube clips that go along with what you are teaching. Even if it is a 30 second clip that depicts what you are talking about, the information will stick with them much more.
4.      You will really get to know your FFA members, they will be the students that you will connect with first because you see them most often
5.      Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and do something BOLD and CREATIVE in one of your lessons, maybe it’s a game, new type of lecture, notes, etc. make it different
6.      Students would rather have interactive lessons; get them out of their seats and moving around…sitting is BORING!
7.      Sometimes you just have to laugh  with your students
8.     Own up to your mistakes!
9.      Get involved with the school. Participate in spirit weeks, pep rallies, assemblies, and go to some activities that your students are involved in, help out with the committees your teacher is involved with. It will make your time more fun.
10.  HAVE FUN! Your experience is what you make of it, make it positive, make it real, and enjoy it while it lasts because it will be over quickly!
I think that my student teaching experience has opened my eyes to the world of FFA as well. Having not had the chance to be in an agriculture program I was only able to see the world of agriculture education from the 4-H standpoint growing up. Everything I have learned about FFA I have learned in college. I did not even know what it was until I walked into my AEE 100 class fall semester Junior year. I knew FFA existed but I had no idea what they did or how important they were to the agriculture industry. Through my experience I have been able to work with some amazing dedicated students. They welcomed me with open arms, allowed me to help them and work hand in hand to complete their goals for the year. I was able to help with fundraising, CDE events, and SAE visits; it really gave me a chance to get my feet wet and get a taste of everything FFA. I think I have made an impact on them because they have been threatening to not let me leave, throw me in the closet, and they also promised to “feed and water me,” and they keep asking me if I am going to come back. I cannot help but smile. It is amazing how much you can help a student in such a short time working with them.
I also have to say a HUGE thank you to Dr. McLean. She has been such an amazing mentor throughout this whole experience. She has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone, provided me with constructive and positive feedback, and helped me to become a part of the Northern Burlington Middle School family. We have had so many laughs and a lot of fun while on FFA trips and in the classroom each day. I am so thankful that NBC was suggested to me last year as a potential place to student teach. I feel like it was the perfect fit for me. I also want to say thank you to Mrs. Sankey-Rice. She has been such a great University Supervisor she has also made such a great mentor for me as well, giving me great suggestions and making sure I was on track. Finally, I have to thank Dr. Foster and Dr. Ewing for all of their support and providing me with the experience of a lifetime over the past 2 years. All of my supervisors, mentors, and professors have really pushed me and made me reach higher for my goals. They have made me determined to succeed. I feel like I truly have been provided with an experience that no one else will ever get to have in another college Agriculture Education program. I have been able to travel to different places, attend different conferences, and do things that I never thought I would get to do in college.

My time as an undergrad is rapidly coming to a close. As I take off the cap and gown and put on the alumni hat I will always remember the values and information that I have gained over my last 4 years. I am leaving college as a totally different person than I was 4 years ago. I have had so many experiences that have shaped me and mold me and help me discover what I want to do. Although I will not be going into the classroom right away, I will be finding the perfect classroom for me eventually. Right now I think that my classroom needs to be nontraditional because I want to bring those extra skills and information to my future classroom students some day. I also think that grad school may be in my future as well. As this chapter closes and I begin another one, I can only hope that the next adventure will be as great as this one has been. I feel so blessed to call everyone I have met in my major a friend and a colleague. I know that we will all find “adventure out there…somewhere, someday, somehow.” As I walk across the stage on May 11th, I know that looking back all of the hard work, determination, and stressful hours of preparation will have all been worth

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"We got ya Miss Rigg!"

As the week comes to a close, so does my time at Northern Burlington County Regional Middle School. I have been tossing around a lot emotions because I am really going to miss all of the students and faculty who have been so welcoming to me these past few weeks.

Just when I thought I was not going to see the FFA members again and was coming to terms for saying goodbye to them as I passed them in the hallway, they decided to pull the wool over my eyes. 

Our 7th grade vice president asked me to help her develop a blog, as she is trying to attend Jr. National Young Leaders Conference. As I was explaining the process of blogging and how blogger works I took a look at her blog and thought it was really odd that everything was already set up and looked great. I thought "maybe she is just making sure it is correct." Then Dr. McLean came into the room and said she needed my help with one of the projects we did in class that day. Now I was really confused but followed any ways. As soon as I walked into the room I was startled by chorus of "SURPRISES" being yelled.

I will admit that I really did not know what was going on for a few seconds there and it took me awhile to process that the FFA chapter was throwing me a surprise going away party. They really got me good! We had some refreshments and also played a few games. All of the members that were present also signed a card for me!

It was a great way to get to say goodbye to most of the FFA members. They really made my experience at NBCRMS memorable and they were such a joy to work with. They are some of the hardest working students I have ever met. I know they will all go far as they continue on with FFA in high school. 

Shout out to ALL of you awesome Middle School FFAers! Good luck in all your future endeavors! Thank you for making my student teaching experience awesome and welcoming me with open arms into your chapter! You made my first experience with FFA a really great one! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Whoa it's really coming to a close...

The past week and few days have really been a whirlwind of chaos.

My time with 7th grade was coming to a close and I honestly have no idea where the time has gone. We rounded out class with an "Ag Products Day." I had the students bring in food or other products and tell the class how it was ag related and then we celebrated our products by enjoying them in class and watching live bird camera feeds. We also had some fun with a game of camouflage and predators it was out of the Project Wild book that we got at pre student teaching orientation, it was called "The Thicket Game" and the students LOVED it, they said that was the best game they have played so far, besides Archie Bunker's Neighborhood.  The students really enjoyed the end of class and I really enjoyed my time with them. I also got to see Dr. McLean introduce the new section of 7th graders which was interesting because I got to compare the differences between our approaches. I was very happy with the way I managed the class and really learned a lot from that experience. I am glad I was able to navigate my way through the quarter class with the help of Dr. McLean. 

In CASE AFNR we finished our birdhouses!! I was very impressed with some of the students' birdhouses that they developed for extra credit. We even decided to display the birdhouses in the showcase for everyone to see. All in all I was very proud of how their projects turned out! The students really liked our "Birdhouse Oscars" that we created and they will be getting their certificates for the categories they won this upcoming week. We are now going to be working on land and how land is divided up. I know that I need to work on making that connection stronger as to why it is important. This is something that I have been struggling with however, I have seen some improvement with it. I think that this will come with time.

My time with my 8th grade Agriscience class has also come to a close. I really enjoyed this class because I really got to tap into the wildlife and environmental aspect of agriculture which I am so passionate about. I took the students out the Ecology Center and they LOVED it. We saw a Redheaded Woodpecker and also a Cooper's Hawk. The students were filled with questions about "what type of animal that is" or "what type of tree that was." I was so proud of myself because I was able to answer their questions and I loved being able to show them everything that we have been talking about in a real life setting. I really think that this was that "aha moment" for me. I felt like I was really in my element and cannot wait to pursue a career with a nature center or a zoo. I really want that experience to bring to the classroom in a few years when I really am ready for that traditional teaching job. All in all I thought Ag 8 went really well. There were a few things I would have changed looking back, as far as time goes with different activities or maybe changing how I did something.

I really hope I made an impact on my 7th and 8th grade students because they have really helped me to make this experience really rewarding and great for me. I am ready to finish up my experience with the CASE class. I think that this will be a great way for me to finish strong! I really do not want this experience to end but I know all good things have to come to an end eventually. I will be taking in these last few days and making sure I really use them to the fullest. So here is to the last few days I know they will be jammed packed full and I am more than excited for it!

In other miscellaneous things that have gone on:

The Environmental and Natural Resources Team did extremely well!! I am so proud of them! They were 4th overall and they all placed in top 20 two placed in the top 10!!! Way to go Middle Schoolers! It was a great day I had the privilege of proctoring the written exam with Dr. McLean, we had a lot of fun!

I also had the chance to visit Sean at his cooperating school in Elizabethtown! I picked the right day to visit because they were starting small gas engines which is my favorite part of ag mechanics! Sean did an awesome job! I really enjoyed watching him help his students and teach them about the 3-4-5 triangle! It was a really great day to see some of the differences between his school and my school and the program differences as well. I really enjoyed it!

Inspirational Quote of the Week:

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Down to the Wire

I never thought that the end of this experience would come it seemed like student teaching was going to gon on forever and prolong my fear of graduating and becoming an adult; and then in the blink of an eye there are only 3 weeks left of it! I cannot believe it, finishing up these last 3 weeks of student teaching will be bitter sweet. I have grown very fond of my students, each one of them having taught me something different. I am most proud of the help that I gave to our 7th grade FFA Vice President. She was nominated to attend Jr. National Young Leaders Conference this summer. I was fortunate enough to attend the life changing National Young Leaders Conference when I was a Junior in high school and got a chance to explain some of the wonderful experiences that she will have during her trip. I really felt like I had that "ah ha" moment when she asked me if she could run some fundraising ideas by me, it made me feel so good knowing that I am helping her achieve something that she really wants to do.

As I reflect back on this week, I felt as if I have hit a rut. A rut where I am lecturing more and more. It is not something that I am happy about. I am not sure how I got to this point or what happened to my engaging hands on activities but they seemed to have disappeared from my creative imagination. I do not know if it is because the end is near or if I ran out of ideas (which is not likely!) I want to get back to that point where I was about 2 weeks ago. I am focusing really hard this upcoming week on getting back to that point.

Aside from my heavy lecturing my Ag 7 students learned about habitats and insects. I had them create a project on a habitat of their choice from the ones that we talked about in class. I told my students that they could pick any medium to portray their project as long as it encompassed the elements of the rubric. I was very surprised to see how awesome their projects came out. I even had one student create a shirt! During Ag 7 this week we also explored pheromones, insects, and an introduction to IPM.

In my CASE AFNR class we are working on creating scale drawing of a birdhouse for a native bird species in New Jersey. The students conducted their research and began drawing their designs. We also learned about bill of materials and project plans! Tapping into all the things that I learned in AEE 350 (glad we had to do that $15 project!) With my CASE classes I had a few classroom management issues this week. Students talking a lot and not paying attention. Proximity control was not working. This is definitely something that I want to work on this up coming week as well.

Finally in Ag 8 we are learned about birds and reptiles. I was very proud of myself for doing a lesson on snakes. Everyone that was in my Sci Ed 455 class knows that they day we talked about snakes I was clear on the other side of the room. My students really got into the lessons about birds and their relation to dinosaurs and they also thought it was really neat how much snake venom makes your blood clot. They were making great connections to real life and asking some awesome questions as well.

With FFA this week we are practicing for our Spring CDEs which we will compete in this upcoming Thursday. We are taking a team to the Environmental and Natural Resources Competition. Check out some of our pictures from practice this week.

I fully intend to finish strong as my last few weeks come to a close. I still have a lot of things to fine tune and I want to make sure those are my areas of focus. Some exciting things coming up this week include a visit from Mrs. Rice, Spring CDEs, and making a visit to see one of my fellow student teachers, followed by a weekend in State College to attend the PA Song Birds workshop at Shaver's Creek. It is going to be a very busy week but I am really looking forward to it!

Inspirational Quote of the Week:

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Am I really half way done?

The previous had been  very interesting, from my flash drive eating itself (again!) to traveling to Penn State for the second student teacher seminar, I had a lot of fun teaching my students this week picking up all of my classes as well as celebrating National Agriculture Week!

Ag 7 was a continuation about plants this week. We talked about germination and set up a lab. Half of the class will be growing their corn seeds in the dark (we have placed them in a cabinet in the room) and the other half of the class has their seeds in the light next to the window. I had my students come up with hypothesis about what they think will happen to their seeds as they grow in the conditions that they were randomly assigned. We will be checking our seeds in 5 days (Tuesday!!) and then we will conclude our lab experiment in 10 days. I was not really happy with my teaching this week in my ag 7 class. I feel like I lectured too much and got away from being really hands on. I am not sure why this happened, but I know I need to fix this next week because I could my students were not really feeling it.

This week I also picked up both CASE AFNR classes.We shared our Water Stories, which were really good, some a lot more interesting than others, but they were very creative.  We are also starting the Ag Mechanics Unit and kicking things off with scale. I am happy that I am tapping into those skills that I learned in AEE 350 but teaching scale is really hard, especially when you are no math wiz yourself. So far my students seem to be handling it well but we did a few issues with remembering how to read rulers (apparently after 5th grade that skill is no longer relevant.) Needless to say we have been doing a lot of practicing and making sure we have the skills we need to move onto the next step which will be to design birdhouses. I am really excited to see what type of designs they come up with, from their water stories I can tell that some of them will create some very elaborate designs.

Finally in Ag 8 we have been transitioning from Conservation into Animal Sciences. We talked about invasive and native species here in New Jersey and also began talking about insects. I got my students really good this week too. I told them that I had insects for them to try at the end of class. They were on the edge of their seats the whole time wondering what "bugs" I was going to have them try. Unfortunately buying insects to eat is a challenge around here but they were just as excited to get gummy worms (this could be a great interest approach as well!)

I cannot believe that my student teaching experience is almost over. I have been having so much fun and learning so much from Dr.McLean and my students. I have enjoyed working with the FFA and the officers. Everyone has made me feel so welcome. I will be sad when the experience is over. I am super excited for the next two weeks because we will be practicing and competing in The Environmental and Natural Resources CDE event at Rutgers, and working on a lot of other FFA things as well. I have a lot of projects coming up with my students and I am really hoping to get them outside to our ecology center soon too! Hopefully the weather stays warm!

Quote of the Week: