My time with 7th grade was coming to a close and I honestly have no idea where the time has gone. We rounded out class with an "Ag Products Day." I had the students bring in food or other products and tell the class how it was ag related and then we celebrated our products by enjoying them in class and watching live bird camera feeds. We also had some fun with a game of camouflage and predators it was out of the Project Wild book that we got at pre student teaching orientation, it was called "The Thicket Game" and the students LOVED it, they said that was the best game they have played so far, besides Archie Bunker's Neighborhood. The students really enjoyed the end of class and I really enjoyed my time with them. I also got to see Dr. McLean introduce the new section of 7th graders which was interesting because I got to compare the differences between our approaches. I was very happy with the way I managed the class and really learned a lot from that experience. I am glad I was able to navigate my way through the quarter class with the help of Dr. McLean.
In CASE AFNR we finished our birdhouses!! I was very impressed with some of the students' birdhouses that they developed for extra credit. We even decided to display the birdhouses in the showcase for everyone to see. All in all I was very proud of how their projects turned out! The students really liked our "Birdhouse Oscars" that we created and they will be getting their certificates for the categories they won this upcoming week. We are now going to be working on land and how land is divided up. I know that I need to work on making that connection stronger as to why it is important. This is something that I have been struggling with however, I have seen some improvement with it. I think that this will come with time.
My time with my 8th grade Agriscience class has also come to a close. I really enjoyed this class because I really got to tap into the wildlife and environmental aspect of agriculture which I am so passionate about. I took the students out the Ecology Center and they LOVED it. We saw a Redheaded Woodpecker and also a Cooper's Hawk. The students were filled with questions about "what type of animal that is" or "what type of tree that was." I was so proud of myself because I was able to answer their questions and I loved being able to show them everything that we have been talking about in a real life setting. I really think that this was that "aha moment" for me. I felt like I was really in my element and cannot wait to pursue a career with a nature center or a zoo. I really want that experience to bring to the classroom in a few years when I really am ready for that traditional teaching job. All in all I thought Ag 8 went really well. There were a few things I would have changed looking back, as far as time goes with different activities or maybe changing how I did something.
I really hope I made an impact on my 7th and 8th grade students because they have really helped me to make this experience really rewarding and great for me. I am ready to finish up my experience with the CASE class. I think that this will be a great way for me to finish strong! I really do not want this experience to end but I know all good things have to come to an end eventually. I will be taking in these last few days and making sure I really use them to the fullest. So here is to the last few days I know they will be jammed packed full and I am more than excited for it!
In other miscellaneous things that have gone on:
The Environmental and Natural Resources Team did extremely well!! I am so proud of them! They were 4th overall and they all placed in top 20 two placed in the top 10!!! Way to go Middle Schoolers! It was a great day I had the privilege of proctoring the written exam with Dr. McLean, we had a lot of fun!
I also had the chance to visit Sean at his cooperating school in Elizabethtown! I picked the right day to visit because they were starting small gas engines which is my favorite part of ag mechanics! Sean did an awesome job! I really enjoyed watching him help his students and teach them about the 3-4-5 triangle! It was a really great day to see some of the differences between his school and my school and the program differences as well. I really enjoyed it!
Inspirational Quote of the Week:
I really hope I made an impact on my 7th and 8th grade students because they have really helped me to make this experience really rewarding and great for me. I am ready to finish up my experience with the CASE class. I think that this will be a great way for me to finish strong! I really do not want this experience to end but I know all good things have to come to an end eventually. I will be taking in these last few days and making sure I really use them to the fullest. So here is to the last few days I know they will be jammed packed full and I am more than excited for it!
In other miscellaneous things that have gone on:
The Environmental and Natural Resources Team did extremely well!! I am so proud of them! They were 4th overall and they all placed in top 20 two placed in the top 10!!! Way to go Middle Schoolers! It was a great day I had the privilege of proctoring the written exam with Dr. McLean, we had a lot of fun!
I also had the chance to visit Sean at his cooperating school in Elizabethtown! I picked the right day to visit because they were starting small gas engines which is my favorite part of ag mechanics! Sean did an awesome job! I really enjoyed watching him help his students and teach them about the 3-4-5 triangle! It was a really great day to see some of the differences between his school and my school and the program differences as well. I really enjoyed it!
Inspirational Quote of the Week:
You always have great posts with pictures! Just remember that purposeful, meaningful, and complete planning are essential to becoming an effective teacher. It is crucial to have a complete lesson plan EVERY day. Not only do they force a teacher to think through an entire lesson and have a plan, but it allows young teachers to put in transitions and questions to make connections that are other wise lost during teaching because often times young teachers forget. Please be sure you are writing your lesson plans!